Blog Test

United Dairymen of Arizona

United Dairymen of Arizona News

Visual-Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

By Roxy Helman - May 29, 2018

INTRODUCTION: An image post uses a visual element as the centerpiece of your post, such as a SlideShare presentation, infographic, comic, or high-resolution images. Use your introduction to provide a caption for your image(s). Why is it valuable? What’s the point? Image posts don’t require a lot of...

Visual-Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

By Roxy Helman - May 29, 2018

INTRODUCTION: An image post uses a visual element as the centerpiece of your post, such as a SlideShare presentation, infographic, comic, or high-resolution images. Use your introduction to provide a caption for your image(s). Why is it valuable? What’s the point? Image posts don’t require a lot of...

Visual-Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

By Roxy Helman - May 29, 2018

INTRODUCTION: An image post uses a visual element as the centerpiece of your post, such as a SlideShare presentation, infographic, comic, or high-resolution images. Use your introduction to provide a caption for your image(s). Why is it valuable? What’s the point? Image posts don’t require a lot of...