Years worked at UDA: 3 years
Tell us a little about yourself: Recently married to the love of my life, Clifford. I grew up on the Navajo Reservation in Northern Arizona. I am middle child of 5,I have one of each sibling an older brother, older sister, me, a little brother and a little sister. I enjoy College Football on Saturdays, my day is usually scheduled revolves around the big games.
What is your job at UDA?: Accounts Payables
Have you worked any other positions at UDA?: No
What part of your job do you like the most? I love my job! Every week is a challenge. Its like a rolling hamster ball that never gets tired. Working on a weekly timeline to get all invoices paid on time from every department. It may seem all the same but every week is different.
Before working for UDA did you have any interesting or unusual jobs?: Other than working at UDA, I work for the airlines for 15 years between Mesa Airlines and US Airways in their accounting departments.
What kinds of hobbies or interests do you have outside of work?: Interest outside of work would be going home to reservation, silence and bright skies at night and complete family time. Nothing beats family moments and moms/ aunties home cooked meals.
What is one thing you can’t live without?: My phone – all my books are uploaded on the ibook app, an ipad is big to carry around.