Years worked at UDA: 3 years Tell us a little about yourself: Recently married to the love of my life, Clifford. I grew up on the Navajo Reservation in Northern Arizona. I am middle child of 5,I have one of each sibling an older brother, older sister, me, a little brother and a little sister. I...
Roxy Helman
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Great Gallon Giveback!
Childhood should be filled with playing, learning, and growing. But for many children, adequate nutrition is a struggle. In Arizona, over 1 million people are struggling with hunger and 1 in 4 of those people are children.

The Art of Cheese Making at Mesa Library
United Dairymen of Arizona and Arizona Cheese Co. recently presented at the Mesa Library, on the 'Art of Cheese Making'.

Cheese Board Making Tips
Looking for something new to try while you're bored in the house? Brush up on your cheese board skills! Cheese boards are great because they look fancy but can be arranged in minutes. Many items could be in your pantry so you don't have to spend a lot of money to make a great cheese board.

Arizona Dairy Co. Featured in Arizona Wilderness Brewing Video
"If I could get beer from my cows, I would..." - Justin Stewart East Valley brewery, Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co., (AWBC) make a point to source ingredients from local farms for their menu and brew process.

Five Reasons To Attend the Milk n More Grand Opening
Our little community convenience store, Milk n More, is holding its Grand Opening celebration this Saturday (August 25, 2018). The Milk n More Store is more than your average store. You can find local milk and dairy products made at the co-op or with milk from our member dairies.

United Dairymen of Arizona Endorse Sine Kerr for Senate
For Immediate Release 8/16/18

What do Dairy Cows Eat?
Did you know? Cows are natural recyclers and can eat food that would typically end up as waste? Dairy cows thrive on parts of plants that humans can’t eat, even if we wanted to. In fact, up to 80% of what cows eat can't be digested by humans.

Meet our Family- Pat Scott
Pat is celebrating her 40 year anniversary with UDA on July 19! In the summer of 1978, UDA was just 18 years old and the lab only had 3 employees. Tell us a little about yourself- I have lived in Phoenix, AZ since I was 4 years old. I graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in...

Five Cheese Fun Facts!
Throw it on a burger, toss it in a taco, melt it into fondue there is really no wrong way to eat cheese!